The Best Leg Exercises for Soccer Kicking Strength

Soccer is a game that requires the players to have a combination of strength, agility, speed, and stamina. These attributes can help you be on top of your game and also outlast your competitors on the field. As a player, you must work hard towards improving these attributes if you do not intend to spend much time warming the bench. One of the things a soccer player needs to work on is kicking strength. Players tend to overlook exercises aimed at enhancing their kicking strength. You can find a player dribbling through opponents and accelerating faster than them, but usually the end product is not satisfactory because their kicking strength is not good enough. You end up with a team of good-quality players, but putting the ball into the net, especially from 18 yards out, is a challenge. Below are some of the exercises that can improve your kicking strength. 1.         Dumbbell step-ups This workout will improve your strength, not only in your legs but also in your thighs, hamstrings, glutes, and quads. The strength you gain in your hamstrings is very important for any soccer player. Having stronger and more stable hamstrings allows your legs to have more power. This way, you can kick the ball with adequate strength. To do this exercise, you will begin by standing in front of a stable bench and at the same time holding dumbbells with both of your hands. Your hands should be placed at your sides. Raise one of your legs up to the bench until your thigh is parallel with the ground. Step up to the bench, making sure that the dumbbells are still at your side. Your trailing leg will be left just off the bench. Step down and repeat the process for 10-15 reps. Execute the exercises with the right intensity to avoid injuries. While doing this and other workouts, you can include in your routine anabolic steroids from Steroids Evolution to help boost your recovery from workouts and for other benefits. 2.         Squats You cannot improve both the power and strength of your kick if your buttocks, thighs, and core are not strong enough. When executing squats, it is crucial to maintain your body in the right posture for optimal results. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart, your knees should be in alignment with your ankles, and you should be fully engaging your core muscles with every movement you make. For better results, you can squeeze your buttocks when doing the movements. You can add some variations to your squats by doing barbell back squats, as they not only improve strength in your lower body but also increase hip flexibility. 3.         Lunges When you do lunges, all your leg muscles are engaged in several planes of movement. This gives you more power and strength, especially when you are striking the ball. You begin doing this workout by standing straight and keeping your legs together. Take a step forward with your right leg, making sure your knee is in line with your ankle, and hinge your left knee down to the floor. Step back to your original position. Repeat the exercise, changing positions to lunge to the sides and behind you. You can add some variations to your lunges for even better results. Try dumbbell lateral lunges to help improve your flexibility and mobility in your legs.